Hash Code Cracker 1.2
This password cracker is developed for PenTesters and Ethical hackers. Please Use this software for legal purposes(Testing the Password Strength).
Happy News..!!
Yes, Hash Code Cracker now supports onlne cracking.
Happy News..!!
Yes, Hash Code Cracker now supports onlne cracking.
- This software will crack the MD5, SHA1,NTLM(Windows Password) hash codes.
- No need to install.
- Supports All platforms.
V1.2 Changelog :
* Included Online cracking Support
Minimum Requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP,7,VISTA, LINUX.
Java Runtime Environment: JRE 1.6 should be installed.(you can get it from oracle.com)
Java Runtime Environment: JRE 1.6 should be installed.(you can get it from oracle.com)
How to run the software?
Download the .zip file and extract.
Extract the zip file.
Open the Terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the path of Extracted zip file (i mean HashCodeCracker Folder) in Terminal.
Type this command "java -jar HashCodeCracker.jar".
Now the application will run.
Extract the zip file.
Open the Terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to the path of Extracted zip file (i mean HashCodeCracker Folder) in Terminal.
Type this command "java -jar HashCodeCracker.jar".
Now the application will run.
Download Option:
About This Project:
This is the Password Cracker project ("crackerpassword")
This project was registered on SourceForge.net on May 31, 2011,
and is described by the project team as follows:
Crack the encrypted passwords (MD5,SHA, etc....)
This project was registered on SourceForge.net on May 31, 2011,
and is described by the project team as follows:
Crack the encrypted passwords (MD5,SHA, etc....)